Enrich.io Integration Quick Start

Last updated: November 13, 2019


Enrich data marketplace is a ready-to-use data marketplace which invites developers to create apps, and these can be used by the end-users. We provide facilities to data users to create their own workflows and publish APIs to enrich data which is served over the internet.

CRM Admin

Getting Started...

URL : http://app.enrich.io/

Step 1: Login - Contact Enrich.io to get login credentials.

Step 2: Create Workflow - To create a new workflow, click on Create Workflow Button.

Workflow: There are two ways to create a new workflow.

  • Templates
  • Start from Scratch

If you want to create a workflow from predefined templates, choose a suitable template from Templates ,and click on Use .

If you want to create your workflow from scratch, choose Start from Scratch and click on Create Workflow.

You can create a workflow by providing initial input parameters.

To add a new input parameter, click on Add Input Parameter (Provide parameter name and select its type from the list).

You can also update an existing input field or delete it by clicking on Update or Delete.

Select APP: Based on your provided input parameters, APPs are shown in Select APP Block. Select APP from the list that fulfills your requirements ,or you can also search APP by its name.

Select APP Credentials: You can use Enrich.io Authentication Credentials to use the app in this step of workflow or you can provide your own credentials for this APP.

Select APP Action: Select Method from Selected APP Method List.

If you don't want to continue this workflow or wish to cancel it, click on Cancel. You can also add another app in this workflow by clicking on Add More APPs or finish it by clicking on Finish.

Add More APP: In this, select input parameters from initial input parameters and previously used app's output parameters in the current workflow. And follow steps as mentioned above in app selection from the list i.e. select app credentials and select app actions or methods.

You can also skip this step and continue it by clicking on Skip and Continue or cancel it by clicking on Cancel.

You can finish the workflow by clicking on Finish.

You can view normalized output of your created workflow after clicking on Finish.

Click on Continue to complete your workflow.

You can edit this workflow by clicking on Edit and complete it by providing its name and clicking on Continue.

Now, you can view details of your created workflow (initial input parameters, apps used, normalization and its output) and Request Body.

Step 4: Publish Workflow - Click on Publish to publish it.
Note: By publishing, you are simply activating to test and manage your workflow. By default, it is private and not shared to users. To change workflow detail , click here.

Once your workflow is published, you can manage its details by clicking on Manage Detail.

Step 5: Test Workflow - You can test your created workflow by clicking on Test Workflow.

Provide required input parameters in request body params.

Step 6: Manage Workflow Detail - In Manage Workflow Detail Screen, you can set logo, description, accessibility (public, private), your margin, features, terms and conditions and allow access to users or block them for this particular workflow.

Accessibility of Workflow: You can set workflow accessibility to public or private.

Private: You can set workflow accesssiblity to private, if you don't want to show it to all your users but give access to a number of users by changing access by clicking on Access in Allow Access to Users.

Public: You can set workflow accesssiblity to public and it is public to all your users. You can block your users from using your workflow by clicking on Block in Allow Access to Users.

You can save workflow details by clicking on Save or cancel it by clicking on Cancel.

Step 7: Use Workflow - You can directly integrate Enrich.io API at your end. To integrate API at your end, check it on.

Enrich API Code

That's it you are ready to use enrich.io API(s).

If you want to create your own API marketplace for your users and setup of enrich crm admin at your end, please follow the steps below,

Step 8: Manage Subdomain - In this section, you can provide subdomain and Enrich Output API that will be deployed at your end. This subdomain will be used to use our Enrich User Panel for your users at your subdomain instead of Enrich.io.

You need to make some changes in your DNS. Please contact Enrich.io Support.

Step 9: Provide SSO Detail

  • Add the login URL for your remote system to the Remote login URL field
  • Add the logout URL for your remote system to the Remote logout URL field.

Note: When any user logs in at your remote login URL: After validation of user at your end, you have to redirect to the user at Enrich.io with login token (that contains Base64 of (user name:user password)) and access token that you get from Access Token field.

Option 1: If you want to open marketplace in iframe.

Redirect URL: http://{subdomain}/loginvalidation?logintoken={base64LoginToken}&accesstoken={your access token}&iframe=yes

Option 2: If you want to open marketplace in browser not in iframe.

Redirect URL: http://{subdomain}/loginvalidation?logintoken={base64LoginToken}&accesstoken={your access token}&iframe=no

Note: If you want to use another design for your marketplace to open in iframe.

Redirect URL: http://{subdomain}/loginvalidation?logintoken={base64LoginToken}&accesstoken={your access token}&iframe=yes&design=1

Step 10: White Labled Screen - In this, CRM Admin can provide Page Title, Footer Text and Logo of your marketplace.

You can update detail by clicking on Update and Test it by clicking on Test or cancel it by clicking on Cancel.

Step 11: Enrich.io CRM Admin Setup - You require Input API, Output API, Enrich Mapping Panel and Enrich Mapping Database to integrate enrich.io at your end. To integrate enrich.io crm admin setup, click here.

How to use CRM Admin Panel?

Explore APPs: Click on Explore APPs Tab in the left menu to get a complete list of apps available at enrich.io along with their details.

To view a particular APP detail, click on View Detail where you can view APP detail e.g. name, description, authentication type, creation time and methods.

Request an APP: You can request an app by mentioning its name and description.

Manage Workflow: In this section, you can manage your existing workflows and create a new workflow.

How to Get Started with Formatter

Formatter in Enrich.io is used to convert previous app output fields in the required format as input to the next app in workflow creation process.

Apply Formatter in Workflow: You can select Formatter in the second step or above during workflow creation. Click on Add More APP and select Select APP Tab and then click on Formatter to apply formatter.

Select Formatter: You can select Formatter of Text or Date.

Select Formatter Type: You can select Formatter type based on your selection Formatter of Text or Date.

Select any formatter from Formatter list e.g. Lowercase, Uppercase, Titlecase or etc.

Select Previous APP(s) Output Fields: Once you select Formatter type, select previous app(s) output fields to format them.

Click on Skip and Continue to skip this step and move to normalization screen. You can also cancel it by clicking on Cancel. You can save selected formatter detail by clicking on Save.

Enrich.io Formatter List

  • Capitalize: Capitalize the first character of every word.
  • Lowercase: Make every character in the text lower case.
  • Uppercase: Capitalize every character in a text field.
  • Titlecase: Capitalize the first character of every word, except for those with fewer than four characters.
  • Pluralize: Pluralize any English word (e.g. frog turns into frogs; child turns into children).
  • Replace: Replace any character, word, or phrase in the text with another word or phrase.
  • Remove HTML Tags: Remove every HTML tag to leave just the plain text.
  • Extract Email Address: Find and copy an email address out of a text field.
  • Extract Phone Number: Find Phone Number.
  • Extract URL: Extract URL from the text.
  • Extract Number: Extract Number from the text.
  • Extract Pattern: Extract Pattern.
  • URL Encode: Encodes text for use in URLs.
  • URL Decode: Decode text.
  • Convert Markdown to HTML: Convert Markdown formatted text into HTML.
  • Split Text: Split Text.
  • Trim Whitespace: Remove extra spaces at the end of the text.
  • Length: Count the number of characters in a field.
  • Word Count: Count the number of words in a text field.
  • Convert to ASCII: Replaces all non-ASCII or special characters in a text field with normal characters.
  • Default Value: Return default value if the text is empty.
  • Find: Find a set value in a field.
  • Truncate: Limit your text to a specific character length, and delete anything over that.
  • Change Date Format: Change Date Format.
    • dd-MM-yy
    • dd-MM-yyyy
    • MM-dd-yyyy
    • yyyy-MM-dd
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
    • EEEEE MMMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSZ

How to Get Started with Filters

Filters are a way to ensure actions get performed only on the items you want. With filters, you can set a specific condition. If it is true, it will proceed the next step of the workflow. You can also set else path of workflow, if the condition is false.

Apply Filters in Workflow: You can select Filter in the second step or above during workflow creation. Click on Add More APP and select Select APP Tab and then click on Formatter to apply formatter.

You can apply filters to output of previous app(s) output fields by selecting workflow's previous app(s) output field. Then, select filter condition, and provide filter condition value.

You can also add AND or OR condition by clicking on AND/OR.

You can also define the path to follow, if your set of conditions in filters does not meet with the output of previous APP. For this, click on Else.

You can complete the flow of workflow in filter else condition by selecting APP(s).

Filters List

  • Contains: Check workflow output field contains your given value.
  • Does not contain: Check workflow output field does not contain your given value.
  • Exactly Matches: Check workflow output field exactly matches your given value.
  • Does not exactly match: Check workflow output field does not exactly match your given value.
  • Is in: Check workflow output field has your given value.
  • Is not in: Check workflow output field is not in your given value.
  • Starts with: Check workflow output field starts with your given value.
  • Does not start with: Check workflow output field does not start with your given value.
  • Ends with: Check workflow output field ends with your given value.
  • Does not end with: Check workflow output field does not end with your given value.
  • Greater than - Number: Check workflow output field is greater than your given value.
  • Less than - Number: Check workflow output field is less than your given value.
  • Greater than - Date: Check workflow output field is greater than your given value.
  • Less than - Date: Check workflow output field is less than your given value.
  • Equals: Check workflow output field equals to your given value.

  • Workflow Detail

    Once your workflow is published, you can manage its details by clicking on Manage Detail.

    In Manage Workflow Detail Screen, you can set logo, description, accessibility (public, private), your margin, features, terms and conditions and allow access to users or block them for this particular workflow.

    You can save workflow details by clicking on Save or cancel it by clicking on Cancel.

    You can also directly use Enrich.io API to get created workflow response.

    Enrich Workflow API Code

    If you want to integrate Enrich API directly at your end, you can do so with the help of the following code.

    You can test your created workflow by clicking on Test.

    Click on Test Workflow ,and you get its response in the Response block.

    Manage Users: You can block a user to use your workflow by clicking on Block User.

    In this section, you can block a user to access all your created workflows.

    SSO Credentials: SSO lets you use an existing user database to authenticate your users when they sign in Enrich.io to activate your created workflows.

    Provide SSO Detail

    • Add the login URL for your remote system to the Remote login URL field
    • Add the logout URL for your remote system to the Remote logout URL field.

    When any user logs into your login URL: After validation of user at your end, you have to redirect to the user at Enrich.io with login token (that contains Base64 of (user name:user password)) and access token that you get from Access Token field.

    Redirect URL: http://sub domain/loginvalidation?logintoken=base64LoginToken&accesstoken=your access token

    Manage Sub Domain: In this section, you can provide sub domain and Enrich Output API that will be deployed at your end. This sub domain will be used to use our Enrich User Panel for your users at your sub domain instead of Enrich.io.

    You need to make some changes in your DNS. Please contact Enrich.io Support.

    White Labeled Screen: In this section, you can set page title, footer text and logo that will be used in your enrich.io marketplace.

    You can test the changes you made by clicking on Test or you can cancel it by clicking on Cancel.

    Terms & Conditions: In this section, you can add terms and conditions for your workflows by clicking on Create New Term.

    Provide term description and click on Add Term to save it and click on Cancel to cancel it.

    Contact Us: You can contact us for any query.


Enrich.io API uses HTTP response codes to indicate the status of the API request. In case of any error, Enrich.io API returns the corresponding error code.

1001 – Content-Type not defined.
1002 – Not valid Content-Type.
1003 – Workflow Id is required.
1004 – User Key is required.
1005 – Sub User Key is required.
1006 – Params are required.
1007 – Params should be a json object.
1008 – {field} is required.
1009 – No workflow found.
1010 – Invalid key. Please check the key you are passing.
1011 – You have used your credits.
1012 – Key is expired. Validity of Key has expired on {date}.

Enrich.io CRM Admin Setup

To integrate enrich.io crm admin setup at your end, you need to contact enrich.io team at support@enrich.io to install as following,

  • Enrich Mapping Panel

  • Enrich Mapping Database

  • Input API

  • Output API

Useful Tip:

Enrich team will install mapping panel @ your site.

If you need any kind of help in the integration of enrich.io, Please contact us.

Step 1: CRM Admin Mapping Panel- Our CRM Mapping Panel allows you to do mapping of your created workflows with your Database or API. With the help of this panel, you don't need to make any changes in your coding.

Let's get started with CRM Admin Mapping Panel

There are two scenarios to map your created workflows.

Map with your Database Connection: Let’s suppose that you have database of candidate and you want to store workflow results into this database (e.g. Personal Information, Education Detail, Experience Detail, Skill Set or etc.). For this, you must follow some steps.

URL: http://your IP or domain/EnrichmentMarketplaceMapping

Login with your login credentials.

Click on Database tab (All provided database credentials shown there) in the left side menu.

Click on Create Database Connection.

Provide required parameters of the database viz. database URL, driver, username, user password and database.

Click on the Create button to save this detail.

You can update existing database details by clicking on Update button, and you can also delete them by clicking on Delete button.

Once you provide database details, you need to map workflow output with your database.

  • Click on Mapping Tab in the left side menu.

  • Select workflow from the list shown of your created workflow, with which you want to do mapping.

    You can view basic details of your selected workflow.

  • To map with your database, select Map with Your Database tab.

    Click on the Map Table.

  • Map Table

    • Select a database from the list of databases.

    • Select the table with which you want to do mapping of enrich workflow output fields.

    • Select operation, whether it is inserted or updated as per your requirement.

    • Map enrich workflow output fields with your table field and also provide associate value if it is required e.g. if you want to update candidate record, you have to provide candidate id.

    • Click on Map button.

    • Click on Save Mapping to save.

  • Map with Your Webhook URL: This scenario is helpful for you if you have API to save data at your end. Let me talk about how to map enrich workflow output fields with your Webhook URL or API.

    • Provide your webhook detail e.g. URL, Type (GET, POST), Payload (Form, Path, JSON)
      • Select Authentication whether it is required or not.
      • In case of API Key authentication, define required parameters and set their values and set required parameters going in HTTP headers or query string.
      • In case of Basic Auth authentication, define required parameters and set their values and set authorization token to be sent as Basic Token or Bearer Token.
    • You can also set required JSON body of request and map enrich workflow output fields with JSON node value by placing mouse cursor where you want to add enrich workflow output field. Click on plus(+) sign and select output field.

    • Once you provide all required details of your webhook URL or API, click on Save button to save this mapping detail.

Step 2: Input API- You just have to call Input API at your end to enrich candidate data with your created workflows. Input API pushes data at Enrich webhook, then calls Enrich API and returns response to Output API that is deployed at your end. Output API triggers your API or inserts/updates data in your database as per your mapping that you did in the CRM Admin Mapping panel for your created workflows.

Where will you get these values: Workflow Detail Page

Step 3: Output API- Enrich Webhook pushes back your created workflow response to Output API that is deployed at your end. Output API is responsible to save data into your database or call your ATS/CRM API to enrich data as per your mapping done in CRM Admin Mapping Panel.

Data Admin

Getting Started...

URL : http://dev.enrich.io/

Step 1: Registration - If you are not registered with Enrich.io, please provide your details to register with Enrich.io as Data Provider. Click on Create an account to register.

Click on Register to register.

Step 2: Email Verification - Once you register with Enrich.io as Data Provider, please check your email to verify your email.

Check your email to verify it.


Step 3: Account Approval - Once you have verified your email, wait for Enrich.io Admin's approval for your account. You will get email from Enrich.io that your email address has been approved.

Step 4: Login - You can login it with your credentials by clicking on Login.

Step 5: Create a New APP - You can integrate your first APP with Data Admin by clicking on Create New APP.

  • Step 1: Create an app by giving a unique name and briefly describe it. The title must be new and unique.

  • Step 2: In the next step, you need to set up authentication. There are four ways to do the same:

    • No Auth: Select Authentication is not required and clicks on Next.

    • API key: If you choose this type, you need to have an API key.

      Please select if your API key is going in Query String or Headers.

      You can customize fields as per your requirement i.e. Add Auth Field, Edit or Delete them.

      Click on Next to move to the next step.

    • Basic Auth: If you choose this type, you need to have a token.

      Please select if your authorization token to be sent as Basic Token or Bearer Token.

      You can customize fields as per your requirement i.e. Add Auth Field, Edit or Delete them.

      Click on Next to move to the next step.

    • OAuth2 Auth: In case of OAuth, please choose if enrich.io needs to refresh the access token. You will get a OAuth redirect URL.

      You can also add another auth fields, edit and delete them.

      You need to map fields to request parameters:

      • Client ID*: Also known as Consumer Key or API Key

      • Client Secret*:Also known as Consumer Secret or API Secret

      • Authorization URL*:Where we redirect users when they attempt to connect to enrich.io. We will construct and append the query string for you.

      • Access Token URL*:Where we POST the approval code when a user is redirected back to enrich.io. Expects access_token in the response

      • Refresh Token URL:Where we POST to refresh an access_token

      • Access Token Placement: Tokens placed in headers will look like Authorization: Bearer and tokens in query strings will look like ?access_token=

      Click on Next to move to the next step.

  • App Preview will give you details about the title of the app, its description, and authentication type.

  • You need to agree with the Terms and Conditions to finish the last step of app builder.

    Click on the Finish to save the APP details.

  • Step 6: Add Logo - Once you have created your first app, you can edit its basic information (title, logo, and description). You can change its authentication type. You can add its methods that focus on an event that happens.

    • Edit APP Information: Click on Edit Title, Logo or Description to change the basic app information.

      Click on Update to update APP details.

  • Step 7: Add APP Method or Action - Actions read data from your API. An action focuses on an event that happens.

    Click on Add Your First Method or Add New Method to add method or action in your created APP.

    • Step 1: Start creating an app action by giving a unique name and briefly describe it.

    • Step 2: Define a method to create your app. You can manage your actions and create an action field, edit or delete it by clicking on Add New Field, Edit or Delete. You can also provide JSON of your action.

    • Step 3: Define your action appearance/behavior by giving the Action Endpoint URL, Action Type and selecting Method Payload. Click Next to proceed.

    • Step 4: You need to put JSON output for sample output. Click on Finish to complete the process.

      Click on Validate to validate your provided JSON. To save action or method details, click on Finish. You can also make changes in your previous steps of action creation by clicking on Previous.

  • Step 8: APP Testing - Once you have created the method or action of your created app, you can test it now.

    Select a method from Select APP Method list and provide required authentication value and fields value if required. Click on Test APP to test this app action or you can click on Review APP to review it.

  • Step 9 : Review APP - Once you are sure about your created app, there is no need of any changes. You can submit it for approval to Enrich.io Admin by clicking on Submit.

    You can veiw this message (Thank you for your request! Your APP has been submitted successfully. After verification, we'll send you a notification on your registered email.) after submission for approval.

Data Admin - Introduction

The enrich.io Data Admin platform lets developers create their own apps, integrate their APIs and supply their services under Enrich.io APPs Pool. We focus on providing a user-friendly interface to developers so that developing an app is a smooth breeze for them.

A developer can

  • add new apps
  • set price of apps
  • see the usage of apps
  • manage clients

Why build on Enrich.io?

The main reasons for building apps on enrich.io are:

  • Get your own marketplace- No need to waste time on creating a marketplace. Our ready-to-use marketplace will take care of all your needs.
  • Generate more clients- It is a one-stop shop where users will come in search of apps. Developers do not need to search for users which saves a lot of their time. They can invest this time into planning more apps.
  • Easy to Integrate- The interface is quite quick and easy to use.
  • Low Cost- There will be a decrease in the cost incurred in integration, maintenance, and partnership as it is the just one-time investment.
  • Free to Build- Creating an app on our platform is absolutely free.
  • 24x7 Customer Support- Drop your query at any time you face a problem or issue. Our team will get back to you for assistance.

What do you require to integrate?

Please make a checklist of the following before integrating:

  • APP authentication and parameters
  • Actions
  • Action parameters (required, optional)
  • API description and logo
  • APP sample output
  • Cost of the APP per successful call

Data Admin Flow

Let's start with Data Admin...

At your first time login, you can view walkthrough to guide you about available left side menu Login.

You can check the previous step of walkthrough by clicking on Prev and its next step by clicking on Next. You can end it by clicking on End tour.

Profile: This page shows your general information along with contact details. You can edit your profile to update the basic details. Your profile also shows the date on which you have registered with enrich.io along with your approval status.

App Submission for Approval and Publishing

To publish your App means to make it public and accessible to end-user. Once you request an app for publishing, your request goes through the review process. Once a decision is made, you are notified via registered email id.

Note: Once an app is submitted for approval, it becomes un-editable till reviewed by Admin.

Review results in two scenarios:

  • App Approved and Published

  • App Un-approved and app developer asked to re-submit

We recommend app developers to test their app(s) and add documentation before submitting for approval.

Once an app is approved and published, it's accessible and gets listed to data-users - those who use these apps in their workflow(s) to get enrichment of data. You cannot edit or delete a published app. If updates are required in an app, you can contact Enrich.io Support.

Under App Builder- the list of apps shows the list of all apps: drafted, under-review, un-approved and approved.

APP Test: You can test method or actions of your created APP(s). Select APP from Select APP List to be tested and select method or action from Select APP Method list. Provide required authentication value and fields value if required. Click on Test APP to test. You can view its result in Response block.

Documentation: Create your app document(s) and see details along with their status whether they are approved or not. You can also edit them by clicking on edit button. You can edit a document by filling in the required information. Once admin approves your document, you do not have the option to delete it. Clicking on Update Document will add new information in your document.

It describes what should a developer include in a document while submitting an app:

  • What your app does and which actions are supported?

    Developers will define the description of their app and what it will do. They must specify the app methods they will be using. This is important to ensure that their RESTful API works efficiently with enrich.io and meets its users' expectations.

  • How to get started with your app?

    • Developers will provide authentication for their app. It can be Basic, NoAuth, Oauth2 or API key.

    • A list of errors is required.

    • Details of app actions and what they do.

    • Define app methods where input parameters will be defined. It must include details of Method Endpoint URL, Method Type and Method Payload.

  • Common issues you can face with your app (optional)

    These are the issues faced while integrating the app.

  • Popular things to do with your app

    Developers will define what their app does and how it will be beneficial to the end-user.

Click on Create New Document to create the document.

Provide detail and click on Create New Document to save detail.

Support: If you have any query or need help, contact Support by giving your email ID and writing a message.

Manage Users: Get complete details about the users who are using your app. You can also view their app usage. There is an option to block a user, if required, from one or/and all APPs.

Workflow API

Introduction: Workflow API allows you to get the details of your created workflows such as workflow code, name, description, workflow id and creation time. This api also allows you to get a particular workflow detail, input parameters of the workflow, output parameters of the workflow and active workflow for a particular user.

Workflow List: This endpoint supports you to get your created worklfow list.

Particular Workflow Detail: This endpoint supports you to get a particular worklfow detail.

Workflow Input Fields: This endpoint supports you to get a particular worklfow input fields.

Workflow Output Fields: This endpoint supports you to get a particular worklfow output fields.

User Workflow: This endpoint supports you to get a particular user active workflows.

Logs API

Introduction: Logs API allows you to get logs detail of usage of your created workflows.

Workflows: This endpoint supports you to get your logs of usage of your created workflows for a particular client.


  • Common issues

    • While creating app method, you might get an error that JSON is not valid.

    • In app actions, there can be an error in method endpoint URL, selecting method type and method payload.

  • Debugging

    • Check your JSON if it is valid or not.

    • Check parameters of app actions if they are incorrect.

  • Troubleshooting Your App

    • If your app doesn't return any response or empty-response, this error will be shown to the end-user or client.

      {"error" : "Returns empty response"}

  • Translating Errors

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1003,"errormsg":"Invalid key. Please check the key you are passing."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1006,"errormsg":"You have used your quota of resume parsing."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1005,"errormsg":"Key is expired. Validity of Key has expired on { keydate}"}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1001,"errormsg":"Content-Type not defined"}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1002,"errormsg":"Not valid Content-Type"}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1003,"errormsg":"Workflow Id is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1004,"errormsg":"User Key is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1005,"errormsg":"Sub User Key is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1006,"errormsg":"Params are required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1007,"errormsg":"Params should be a json object."}}/p>

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"name is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"companyname is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"Email is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"firstname is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"lastname is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"companyname is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"filedata in base64 is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":10018, "errormsg":"filename is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"name is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"companyname is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"email is required."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1009,"errormsg":"No workflow found."}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1012,"errormsg":"Application blockAppName blocked in your workflow (workFlowCode)"}}

    • {"error":{"errorcode":1008,"errormsg":"field is required."}}

    • {"error" : "Returns empty response"}


  • App Visibility

    It shows if your app is open to public or not.

    • A developer can either keep it public or private.

    • If the app can be viewed only by the developer, it is considered to be 'private'. You can edit or delete this app.

    • If it is open for the end-users, it is termed as 'public'.

  • App Status

    It shows if your app is under review or has been approved. - If the admin is still reviewing your app, the status will show 'Under Review'.

    • If the admin has approved your app, the status will be shown as 'Approved'.

  • App Type

    App type shows that it is built on REST API.

  • App Authentication

    No Auth

    Select 'Authentication is not required' and click on 'Next'. (By-default selected)

    API key

    • If you choose this type, you need to have an API key. Please select if your API key is going in Query String or Headers.

    • You can customize fields as per your requirement i.e. add, edit or delete them.

    • Click on 'Next' to move to the next step.

    Basic Auth

    • In this type, create a Basic Auth field. You can also check details of 'Label' and 'Key' and edit or delete them.


    • In case of OAuth, please choose if enrich.io needs to refresh the access token. You will get an OAuth redirect URL.

    • You can also add another auth fields, edit and delete them.

    • You need to map fields to request parameters:

      • Client ID*: Also known as Consumer Key or API Key.

      • Client Secret*: Also known as Consumer Secret or API Secret.

      • Authorization URL*: Where we redirect users when they attempt to connect to enrich.io. We will construct and append the query string for you.

      • Access Token URL*: Where we POST the approval code when a user is redirected back to enrich.io. Expects access_token in the response.

      • Refresh Token URL: Where we POST to refresh an access_token.

      • Access Token Placement: Tokens placed in headers will look like Authorization: Bearer and tokens in query strings will look like ?access_token=.

  • App Actions

    • Method Cost: Specify the cost per call for your app method.

    • Method Field: Developers will specify input parameters of their app method.

    • Method Endpoint URL: Developers will specify this URL where a request will be sent to get data.

    • Method Type: Select the type of app method: POST or GET.

    • Method Payload: There are three types of method payload: JSON, FORM and PATH. Developers need to select one as per their app.

    • Sample Output: When no response is received from API, this result will show up as response.

    • Provide APP JSON: Developers will provide sample output of their app method in JSON form. It will be used for mapping.

App Test

Test your app before submitting for approval. For testing your app, select your app and its method. Fill in the authentication and send it for testing.

App Documentation

It describes what should a developer include in a document while submitting an app.

  • What your app does and which actions are supported?

    Developers will define the description of their app and what it will do. They must specify the app methods they will be using. This is important to ensure that their RESTful API works efficiently with enrich.io and meets its users' expectations.

  • How to get started with your app?

    • Developers will provide authentication for their app. It can be Basic, NoAuth, Oauth2 or API key.

    • A list of errors is required.

    • Details of app actions and what they do.

    • Define app methods where input parameters will be defined. It must include details of Method Endpoint URL, Method Type and Method Payload.

  • Common issues you can face with your app (optional)

    • These are the issues faced while integrating the app or can FAQs related to the APP and its action(s).

  • Popular things to do with your app

    • Developers will list-out key features of their App and how it will be beneficial to the end-user.

Install Java 8

To install Java 8 or update Java on your system, read the instructions carefully before downloading Java from the Linux command line.

Step 1 – Download Java Archive

The Oracle team provides Java RPM packages as well as compiled source code. Many times I have tried Java installation using rpm packages but I faced some issues. So I decided to install Java using the compiled source code. Since then I have installed a large number of times Java on CentOS, Redhat based systems without any issues. To download the latest Java SE Development Kit 8 release from its official download page or use following commands to download from the shell.

cd /opt/
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u201-b09/42970487e3af4f5aa5bca3f542482c60/jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz"
tar xzf jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz


Step 2 – Install Java with Alternatives

The alternatives command is used for maintained symbolic links. This command used to creates, removes, maintains and displays information about the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. Let’s use the alternatives command to configure Java on your system. The alternatives command is available in chkconfig package.

cd jdk1.8.0_201/
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java 2
alternatives --config java

The newly installed Java version listed at number 4, So input 4 and press enter.

Select java version
There are 3 programs which provide 'java'.

  Selection    Command
   1           /opt/jdk1.8.0_45/bin/java
*  2           /opt/jdk1.8.0_144/bin/java
 + 3           /opt/jdk-11/bin/java
  4           /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java

Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number: 4

At this point, JAVA 8 has been successfully installed on your system. We also recommend to setup javac and jar commands path using alternatives

alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/jar 2
alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac 2
alternatives --set jar /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/jar
alternatives --set javac /opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac

Step 3 – Check Installed Java Version

Java and javac binaries are available under PATH environment variable. You can use them from anywhere in your system. Let’s check the installed version of Java runtime environment (JRE) on your system by executing the following command.

java -version

java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)

Step 4 – Setup Java Environment Variables

Most of Java based application’s uses environment variables to work. Set the Java environment variables using following commands

Set the JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME and PATH environment variables.

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_201
export JRE_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_201/jre
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jdk1.8.0_201/bin:/opt/jdk1.8.0_201/jre/bin

Also add the above commands to /etc/bashrc or /etc/environment file to auto set environment variables during the system reboot.